Welcome to our Institute

The Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health was established on 1 January 2016, when during the governance and structure reform, the Institute of Health Care, the Family Medicine Clinic and the Department of Nursing Science were combined into one institute.

The mission of the Institute is to provide education, research and development, and to provide necessary services to the community in the fields of family medicine, public health and nursing. Members of the Institute are oriented to find solutions for real-life problems in public health and primary healthcare. There are strong ties between the Institute and government through policy analysis.

Main research areas at the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health are risk-taking health related behaviour, risk factors of noncommunicable and communicable (HIV) diseases; environmental and occupational health risks and related intervention strategies; health technology assessment and medicine and public health.


Department of Family Medicine

Department of Nursing Science

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Department of Public Health

Unit of Health Information Analysis

Guideline Unit


Staff contacts

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