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University has opened a channel for breach reporting
Now, the internal reporting channel of the University of Tartu in FaceUp can be used to send breach reports confidentially and, if requested, anonymously. It is no longer possible to report by email.
06. March 2025 university
Health technologies promising longer life often solve secondary problems
Entrepreneurs interested in developing new health technologies should focus on ensuring evidence-based practices, said Taavi Tillmann.
04. March 2025 researchfor society
Kaja-Triin Laisaar to continue as Head of Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health
Peremeditsiini ja rahvatervishoiu instituudi nõukogu valis 10. detsembri koosolekul uuesti instituudi juhatajaks epidemioloogia teadur Kaja-Triin Laisaare.
21. January 2025 governance
See what roles the university mascot Tiksu took on during the Christmas season
This year, the brand-new Tiksu’s Advent calendar “24 Tiksus until Christmas” made the Christmas month special.
29. November 2024 for student
RECORDING: rector is handing over the University of Tartu honorary decorations
Today, on 21 November, at 16:00, Rector Toomas Asser presented the university’s honorary decorations at the ceremony in the assembly hall. 
21. November 2024 recognition 
UT digital archive in DSpace will be named ADA
Starting on 25 November, the digital archive of the University of Tartu in DSpace will be called ADA. With the new name, the archive will also have a fresh homepage design that aligns with the design of the university’s website.
25. November 2024 databases
This year’s recipients of honorary decorations have been announced
On 25 October, the University of Tartu senate decided to award the University of Tartu Grand Medal to Professor of International Business Urmas Varblane. Also, the recipients of the University of Tartu Star of Appreciation, Medal, Badge of Distinction and the decoration “100 Semesters at the University of Tartu” have been announced.
25. October 2024 recognition 
University of Tartu and Tartu University Hospital to offer industrial doctorates
On Thursday, 17 October, the University of Tartu and Tartu University Hospital signed a framework agreement for industrial doctorate to provide doctoral student places for Tartu University Hospital staff members who want to pursue a doctoral degree alongside their clinical work.
22. October 2024 cooperation
Information Technology Office invites you to try the IT helpdesk virtual assistant
Starting from 16 August, all staff and students of the university will be able to test the virtual assistant on the University of Tartu IT wiki page, which will provide support in solving IT problems based on existing guides. The trial period will last a couple of months, during which the Information Technology Office will be able to assess the quality of the virtual assistant service.
Opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year
The opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, 2 September at 10:00 in front of the university's main building.
05. August 2024 for student
Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine
This year, the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary events will take place on October 10th and 11th. We invite all interested parties to submit abstracts for the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary research conference by May 27, 2024
Estonian children see too many unhealthy food and beverage advertisements on TV
The University of Tartu, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), conducted a study to analyse how much Estonian children and adolescents see food advertisements on television.
06. March 2024 research
University's equal treatment website now includes explanatory videos
Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
07. November 2023 university
The Just Transition Consortium supports both technological and societal transition in Ida-Viru County
On 16 October, the first cooperation seminar of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu’s consortium of the Just Transition Fund was held at the Virumaa College of the Tallinn University of Technology. The event brought together 22 research teams whose work will help develop technologies and monitor societal transition in the Ida-Viru region over the next six years.
Last opportunity to respond to the University of Tartu's mobility survey
The university will use the survey to find out what kind of mobility Estonia's largest university brings about and what attitudes staff and students hold towards sustainable mobility.
26. October 2023 sustainability
Professor Külli Kingo is new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
On 3 October, the faculties’ electoral bodies elected new deans for the University of Tartu. The new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine is Külli Kingo who will assume office on 1 January 2024.
05. October 2023 governance
Election commission registered dean candidates
On 12 September, the commission formed for the dean elections registered the dean candidates of the university’s four faculties.
12. September 2023 governance
University of Tartu researchers help mitigate health impacts of climate change in African countries
The University of Tartu is participating in an international project to help African countries better understand the health impacts of climate change and to develop adaptation measures.
14. September 2023 sustainability
Research centres that have received Estonia's largest research funding are starting work
Esmaspäeval, 11. septembril algusega kl 13.00 toimub Tartu Ülikooli aulas digitaalse bioinseneeria keskuse ning personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskuse avaüritus.
29. August 2023 research
Lecture series “Between the ears”: Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging
On August 30 at 10.30, Associate Professor Yannick Stephan from the University of Montpellier (France) will give a lecture on “Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging” as part of the “Between the Ears” lecture series.