Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Gerli Mõts "Ethical issues in nursing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-method study"
On March 13th Gerli Mõts will defend her thesis "Ethical issues in nursing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-method study".
10. March 2025 research
Health technologies promising longer life often solve secondary problems
Entrepreneurs interested in developing new health technologies should focus on ensuring evidence-based practices, said Taavi Tillmann.
04. March 2025 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Aleksei Baburin "Breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of health care system changes and screening"
On November 22th 2024 14.00 Aleksei Baburin will defend his thesis "Breast cancer incidence, mortality and survival in Estonia in the context of health care system changes and screening".
05. November 2024 research
Jüri Reimand's lecture: „Integrative analyses of cancer multi-omics data for functional and translational insights“
Toronto Ülikooli kaasprofessor Jüri Reimand annab 13. septembril Biomeedikumis loengu „Integrative analyses of cancer multi-omics data for functional and translational insights“.
02. September 2024 research
23. August 2024 research
Call for abstracts: scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine
This year, the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary events will take place on October 10th and 11th. We invite all interested parties to submit abstracts for the Faculty of Medicine's anniversary research conference by May 27, 2024
Estonian children see too many unhealthy food and beverage advertisements on TV
The University of Tartu, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), conducted a study to analyse how much Estonian children and adolescents see food advertisements on television.
06. March 2024 research
The Just Transition Consortium supports both technological and societal transition in Ida-Viru County
On 16 October, the first cooperation seminar of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu’s consortium of the Just Transition Fund was held at the Virumaa College of the Tallinn University of Technology. The event brought together 22 research teams whose work will help develop technologies and monitor societal transition in the Ida-Viru region over the next six years.
Research centres that have received Estonia's largest research funding are starting work
Esmaspäeval, 11. septembril algusega kl 13.00 toimub Tartu Ülikooli aulas digitaalse bioinseneeria keskuse ning personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskuse avaüritus.
29. August 2023 research
Lecture series “Between the ears”: Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging
On August 30 at 10.30, Associate Professor Yannick Stephan from the University of Montpellier (France) will give a lecture on “Personality and Health and Cognition with Aging” as part of the “Between the Ears” lecture series.