UT has completed the IT infrastructure for personalised medicine, enabling Estonian doctors and nurses to use genetic data for disease prevention and finding the best treatment plan for each person.
On 14 June at 14:00 Sirje Sammul will defend her doctoral thesis “Prevalence and risk factors of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular mortality: 13-year longitudinal study among 35- and 55-year-old adults in Estonia and Sweden”.
Vabariigi aastapäeva eel kuulutas Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser välja ülikooli 2022. aasta teadusteo, milleks on laste haiglahirmu vähendavad hologrammid.
The results of the January wave of the University of Tartu-led coronavirus prevalence study show a significant decrease in infections and an increase in antibody prevalence.
The purpose of the pilot project conducted in cooperation between the University of Tartu, the Clinic and the Health Development Institute is to evaluate the possibilities of detecting lung cancer.
The study on the prevalence of coronavirus show that despite the persistently high prevalence of the coronavirus, the number of people who ignore possible risks of spreading the virus rises.
The results of the November wave of the University of Tartu-led coronavirus prevalence study show that the virus spread remains consistently high for the fourth month.