German-Baltic Public Health Summer School

From August 28th to September 1st 2023, an international public health summer school will be held at the Universtiy of Tartu, Estonia – German-Baltic summer school on "Contemporary issues and challenges in public health: strengthening academic exchange and internationalization in public health education".

The summer school is organized by the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Tartu, together with Witten/Herdecke University from Germany, University of Latvia and Vilnius University from Lithuania. The primary target group consists of current public health master’s students and recent graduates.

The summer school takes place in Tartu – in the Alexander Schmidt Center, the university’s Biomedicum building (Ravila 19). The summer school starts on Monday 28.08.2023 at 13:00 and ends on Friday 01.09.2023 by 14:00, so those coming from outside Tartu can fit the trip into five working days.

In addition to the presentations of international experts, an important part of the summer school are joint discussions about the challenges that public health experts in the world are currently facing, and thus also the training needs of public health experts. During the summer school, also joint activities for getting to know each other and exchanging experiences, are planned.

Registration Schedule

This project of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany.


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