Töös olevad projektid

Õendusteaduse õppetool osaleb praegu järgmistes projektides:

1. Hybrid curriculum in patient safety: integration of academic master’s education and continuous professional education in Estonia and in Norway (2019-2021)

Tutvu projektiga.

2. Patient centered care in multicultural society and its ethical implications (2019-2020)

Tutvu projektiga.

3. PATSAFE: Developing the University of Tartu to a well-networked Patient Safety research center in Estonia (2019-2022)

Tutvu projektiga.

4. Design Thinking in Health Technology Education (2020-2021)

Tutvu projektiga.

5. The impact of COVID-19 emergency on nursing care (2020-2021)

Tutvu projektiga.

6. Developing Occupational Well-being of Health Care Teachers in Estonia – participatory action research (2021-2023)

Tutvu projektiga.

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